Introducing the PIA Past Presidents’ Fellowship
By: Matt Cranney, CIC, CRM
"Don’t strive to be the best… Strive to be better. The person you’re competing with is your past self, and the bar you’re setting is for your future self."
- Adam Grant

This quote by Adam Grant from his book Give and Take, is a powerful reminder that we should be motivated by our own personal growth, not by the need to simply be better than others. I am thrilled to be able to share with you today an opportunity from the PIA Past Presidents group that will allow you, or someone at your agency, the opportunity to pursue their growth.
The Past Presidents group at PIAW is comprised of incredible men and women who once served as President and want to stay connected to the organization beyond their Board service. The group has been a trusted resource for our Executive Directors and Board members, over several decades. Each year, the group raises funds to be used for the betterment of our industry.
To do that, the group has created the “Past Presidents Fellowship”. The fellowship is a one-time scholarship that pays the class fee for a PIA member agent’s first CISR or CPIA class. We know that in the pursuit of education, as with so many things, the first step can often be the hardest. Our hope is that this Fellowship helps more and more people take that first step towards a professional credential!
To make that step as easy as possible, we have created a simple online application at PIA’s website (link available below). Or, you can call or email Brenda at the PIA office ( or (608) 274-8188) and ask for an application. Fill it out, get it back to us and we will reach back out if you are awarded a fellowship. That’s it! If you are someone who is ready to get started on your designation journey, my ask of you is to make a small step to invest in your own personal growth to be better for your clients, your agency, your team and all those who look to you to lead, and apply for the fellowship!
I also know that a lot of you reading this are further along in your insurance career and already hold one or more professional designations. My ask of you is that you think about someone at your agency or in your network who could benefit from this Fellowship and encourage them to apply. We all benefit when our industry has incredibly talented people getting smarter through the PIA’s awesome education programs!
Our hope as the Past Presidents group is that in a few years we will be able to hear stories of amazing people in our industry who are still working each day to get better, but can trace their journey back to being awarded a fellowship and starting down the path of professional development. Don’t wait to put somebody from your agency on this path. Apply today!